View Full Version : EU immigrants 'add £5bn to GDP'

Win2Win Racing
1st May 2011, 05:49
A think tank says migrants from former Communist countries increased British GDP in the years after 2004

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-13251614)

1st May 2011, 11:08
What planet are these think tanks on? Surely it would have been better to have near 100% employment for British citizens instead.

1st May 2011, 12:54
Weel I suppose the government has to do something, to supply a workforce, because of the shear amount of people able to work but yet drawing benefits.

Two people I know very well from my local draw benefits. One has worked a total of 5 years in his entire life (50 years) and just now how to play the system. At least he got a job recently working 2 hours a day... oh pardon me.. it is to keep his benefits. The other has not worked due to depression.

Nothing physically wrong with the depressed guy. He is very good at making the effort to go to the pub every evening complaining about the government, inflation and so forth that looks so well after him. The lazy git!!

1st May 2011, 15:11
I get depressed.... usually after a double or triple Lay bet winning :omg: .... but it soon returns to happiness again :biggrin:

We nned some immigrants in the country, would you like your Friday night Indian or Chinese being cooked by a Geordie? :lickme

1st May 2011, 16:02
We nned some immigrants in the country, would you like your Friday night Indian or Chinese being cooked by a Geordie? :lickme

Crikey, the EU's getting bigger! But it comes to something when you have Sunday Jehovah Witness Sermon's in Polish -

we don't even get them in Wurzel:smile: