View Full Version : Footballer Twitter!!!

21st May 2011, 19:30
Now don't anyone name the muppet on here :rolleyes:

Some good comments showing up on Twitter:

How does "a professional footballer" take Twitter to court, when by even turning up to testify he breaks his own super injunction?

Have I got this right? In his fight for people's right to anonymity, a certain footballer is going to court to discover somebodies identity?

By taking out the court order against Twiiter he's just verified the rumours are correct! What an idiot!

21st May 2011, 23:13
We all know who it is. I just cant believe it has come to this really, she just wants a kiss and tell story but I cant believe he has done this, made it much worse than it wouldve been.

23rd May 2011, 15:09
Am I allowed to mention that he plays for manchester?

23rd May 2011, 15:37
Am I allowed to mention that he plays for manchester?


23rd May 2011, 19:24
Apparently the girl is an avid music fan and is regularly seen hanging out at gigs.... :wink:

23rd May 2011, 21:01
Apparently the girl is an avid music fan and is regularly seen hanging out at gigs.... :wink:

read that as hanging out of gigs the first time i read it no wonder he wanted an injunction:laugh