View Full Version : Straus-Khan

24th May 2011, 16:51
A good write-up concerning this case http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/may/24/dominique-strauss-kahn-unions

It's also reported, although not confirmed, she dribbled some of his sperm onto her collar!!!!

24th May 2011, 18:37
It's also reported, although not confirmed, she dribbled some of his sperm onto her collar!!!!Could he not swap her for a maid that didn't have a leak? :doh

24th May 2011, 19:16
Maybe 'it' wasn't long enough to pass her lips :biggrin:

24th May 2011, 21:48
As the randy WWII sailor said to the equally randy WREN who kept giving secrets and favours away, loose lips sink ships.

But the jiggery-pokery mentioned in the first post must surely be the only occasion when it's acceptable for a woman to sport a moustache of any description. Reminds me of those lip-smackin' milk adverts. :lickme