View Full Version : NoW to close amid hacking scandal

Win2Win Racing
7th July 2011, 21:13
This Sunday's issue of the News of the World will be the last edition of the paper, News International chairman James Murdoch says.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-14070733)

7th July 2011, 21:39
Well I won't miss it, never read it since the 80's....... a good excuse for closing down what is an industry going downhill anyway :rolleyes:

7th July 2011, 22:28
Even for a low-rent tabloid, there were clearly some journalists at the News of the World whom it would be impossible to satirise, but I'd be very angry if I was one of the 200 people being shown the door by Murdoch junior/senior and had done my job without resorting to any kind of underhand tactics.

According to reports, Rebekah Brooks tried to blame The Guardian for the whole debacle :rolleyes: but the staff she was addressing were having none of it and made it plain what they thought of her and her bosses.

I was at school at the time, but remember the NOTW as a broadsheet, and I never really took to the tabloid format. I presume the content would've been much the same as with the broadsheet, but the cheap-looking typeface and garish colours of the tabloid combined with the 'free' magazine full of even more vividly-coloured trash seemed a lousy design to me.

The tabloid still sold big - well over 5 million copies a week in an era of declining sales - but if ever there was a case of no one ever going broke underestimating the taste of the public, it was that newspaper.

7th July 2011, 22:59
Surely people can see past this charade.

All that will happen is that he will make the sun a 7 day a week paper and it will be the NOTW in all but name.

People are easily satisfied if changing a name is all it takes to appease.

8th July 2011, 19:05
All that will happen is that he will make the sun a 7 day a week paper and it will be the NOTW in all but name.

Hmmmm......Allegedly the internet domain name thesunonsunday.co.uk was registered on July 5 to a company called Media Spring. :omg: