View Full Version : Ex-NoW editor held over hacking

Win2Win Racing
8th July 2011, 12:31
Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson is arrested by police investigating phone hacking as the PM details two inquiries into the scandal.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-14077405)

8th July 2011, 12:44
Cameron says he wanted to give Coulson a "second chance" in taking him into Downing Street after he resigned from the News Of The World. That is just lame, he is the Prime Minister...he is not giving him a job in a Hardware store or McDonalds. He was warned about doing this, even by some Tories. The only good thing for Cameron is this inquiry could take years to even get going allowing for how fast any prosecutions take place.

8th July 2011, 18:54
Its one thing hiring him when in opposition - at least that money comes from Lord Ashcroft and co.

Last year he decided to take him into Downing street. That meant he was paid by the public purse.

I think Cameron has shown himself to be a very poor Premier so far. How many U-turns already, how many bodges and now managing to taint himself with this.