View Full Version : Murdoch says Brooks is priority

Win2Win Racing
10th July 2011, 21:14
Rupert Murdoch says News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks is his first priority, after arriving in the UK to handle the phone-hacking crisis.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-14100053)

10th July 2011, 21:21
First priority!!! In what way? :rolleyes:

10th July 2011, 22:31
First priority!!! In what way? :rolleyes:

'Er, BskyB of course -

this was written by Krishnan Guru in Friday's Snowmail (a forward to the news):

The day before he said Cameron wanted the BskyB deal to go ahead -

"The thing that could alarm Rupert Murdoch the most is news that the broadcasting regulator Ofcom is to look again at the "fit and proper" test for ownership of BSkyB, and consult the police on the matter. That's the thing that could get in the way of the takeover he desperately wants.

Apparently fearful of the political damage David Cameron called a press conference and said of his friend and alleged horse-riding partner Rebekah Brooks that her resignation should have been accepted. His focus was sorting out the mess, and he admitted it was wrong for politicians to cosy up to the newspaper groups and called for an end to self-regulation of Fleet Street. But the press were more interested in the extent to which he checked out Andy Coulson before hiring him - and whether he was warned it was risky. These judgements are subjective but I thought the PM looked distinctly uncomfortable under questioning. And there is no doubt he had a close relationship with Rebekah Brooks. I recall waiting to go in and interview him once when he was leader of the opposition at Tory party conference. As I waited with the crew in the hotel corridor to be called in, Ms Brooks came out of the lift and walked straight into the Cameron suite without knocking - it was almost as if she was part of the team."