View Full Version : NoW whistle-blower is found dead

Win2Win Racing
18th July 2011, 21:52
A former News of the World journalist who made phone-hacking allegations against the paper is found dead.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-14194623)

18th July 2011, 23:45
Christ this is getting like Watergate now...where will it end? Poor chap.

19th July 2011, 00:08
Funny you should say that - Jon Snow's latest 'Watergate is no exaggeration' - but they're struggling to keep up at C4 by the sounds -

From C4/Snowmail -

"I'm busy out and about chasing resigning cops, running politicians and shadowy media executives. And there's been no shortage of breaking news again today - you really can't move far from your desk without some other major development suddenly happening.

Barely left the building en route to London Mayor Boris Johnson's press conference down at City Hall than the second chief police officer in as many days called it a day; Assistant Commissioner John Yates following his boss Sir Paul Stephenson into the resignation sidings.

Yates of the Yard: phone hacking, bin bags and regret

Rebekah Brooks’ solicitor has come out accusing the police of potential reputational damage to his client, for having arrested her - could be a tricky case to prove.
David Cameron extends Parliament’s session by a day in order to make a major statement to MPs about his own position on Hacking-Gate. Politicians, media bosses (past and present), police (past and present), in and out of big office back doors and front, like headless chickens. As I’ve suggested in today’s Snowblog (http://blogs.channel4.com/snowblog/phonehacking-scandal-watergate-exaggeration/15788), this scandal really has assumed the guise of the UK’s own Watergate. We'll do our best to get to the bottom of it all tonight, with Gary Gibbon on the politics, Simon Israel on just how bad it is for the police.

PM delays recess for phone-hack questions

And another major exclusive from Andy Davies who's been talking to the BBC Crimewatch presenter and former detective who was targeted by the News of the World - she says it was like 'being hunted'.

19th July 2011, 05:11
I see one of the big WWW hacking groups hacked the Sun web site :laughitupsmilie:

Terrible about the suicide though :ermmm .... blood on the Murdoch doorstep now ....... even the Philippines is covering the news on this now :ooo