View Full Version : Tougher action needed on obesity

Win2Win Racing
26th August 2011, 03:22
Tougher action is needed by governments across the world if the obesity crisis is going to be tackled, experts say.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/health-14669203)

26th August 2011, 21:11
Bus and train drivers could play their part here to get those king-sized butts moving a bit as the latter approach the vehicle by continually stopping and starting - the thought that they'll be late for work might get the heart rate up once a month at least...

What would really give some XXXLs a coronary though would be to suggest they maybe walked somewhere now and again, rather than jumping in the car for those urgent journeys to the drive-through at their nearest burger joint. That's one idea from the States we could really have done without. :rolleyes:

An adult overdoing the chips is one thing though, but it's depressing to see how many kids are fat, and there really is no excuse for that, other than lazy parenting.

27th August 2011, 08:49
I have one of those blood pressure meters I use daily (£12 on Ebay :wink:), apart from when I was pretty ill in Manila a few weeks ago my blood pressure is normal but always good to keep an eye on it.

My lad is with me at the moment doing a few jobs for me :thumbs, so I tested him.... 140-98 :yikes: .... and that appears to be the average, he's only 21 but the signs for heart disease, stroke, etc later in life are already present and it's all down to the diet. I'm trying to upgrade him to OS Kids Diet 3.1 :rolleyes:

Surely kids should have simple things like a blood check (cholesterol), blood pressure taken every 3 months while in school, college, uni? It's been proven that fat kids shorten their lives and increase the risk of serious health issues later in life. :ermmm