View Full Version : Hurricane Katia to Hit the UK on Monday

10th September 2011, 09:30
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Bloody Americans throwing it back at us!!!!


12th September 2011, 19:39
Hope everyone managed to go about their business and get home in one piece. It's been blustery north of the border but not as bad as predicted, at least in the west of Scotland.

How does Terry Wogan fare with his hair in this weather though? One minute he's strolling along jauntily whistling The Floral Dance with a proud barnet on display, the next it's up and up and away and wedged between two branches, doing what it seemed to be designed for and providing a place for our feathered friends to call home. Maybe old Tel just places a stout piece of elastic under his chin to keep the Irish strapped to his bonce.

But as Harold MacMillan said in the early 1960s, the winds of change are blowing through the country. I believe Supermac wrote that speech as he battled gamely with severe bouts of flatulence after sampling the local nosh. Well, he could hardly have stood up and told his hosts that the winds of change were blowing through his Y-fronts.:butthead:

12th September 2011, 20:02

I was woken up a few times with bloody car alarms going off .... bloody cheap cars :ermmm ..... just one more sheep left to peel off my window :anerikke:

13th September 2011, 03:34
The sheep have cars in North Wales?

13th September 2011, 08:48
Of course they do, amazing what breeding does these days..... they even have a web site http://sheep.com/ :laugh