View Full Version : Miliband urges U-turn on economy

Win2Win Racing
25th September 2011, 18:11
Ed Miliband urges the coalition to "change course" on the economy, as Labour's annual conference gets under way in Liverpool.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-politics-15054029)

25th September 2011, 20:21
The only thing he deserves is a u-bend :biggrin:

He must think we are all thick. The 'cuts' are only just starting to come in but most won't happen till next year so what's he on about? :doh .... unemployment... strange that he forgets to mention you get a 12-18 month lag with these figures... which means the effects of Labour policy is the cause of current figures. :doh1: