View Full Version : Bank injects £75bn into economy

Win2Win Racing
6th October 2011, 15:05
The Bank of England says it will inject a further £75bn into the economy through quantitative easing (QE) but holds interest rates at 0.5%.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/business-15196078)

7th October 2011, 09:22
If I print money I got to jail :doh

Why don't they just print £800 Billion and pay of the debt?

7th October 2011, 10:13
News story from http://www.conservatives.com/News/News_stories/2009/03/Quantitative_easing_is_a_leap_in_the_dark.aspx

Quantitative easing is a "leap in the dark"
Thursday, March 5 2009

George Osborne has warned that the Bank of England’s strategy of quantitative easing is a “leap in the dark”.

The Shadow Chancellor described the decision to effectively print more money as a “last resort”, necessary because of the “complete failure” of Labour’s other measures to tackle the recession.

He told BBC News, "I don't think anyone should be pleased that we have reached this point. It is an admission of failure and carries considerable risk.” :doh1:

He stressed, "Let us hope that this approach taken by the Bank of England does lead to an easing of credit conditions.”

And he warned, "This is a leap in the dark and we will see whether it works."