View Full Version : Fine defaulters face benefit loss

Win2Win Racing
29th October 2011, 05:47
People who fail to pay their fine after they have been convicted for criminal behaviour could lose up to £25 a week in benefits, the government says.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-15503503)

29th October 2011, 09:13
All those I've known who have gone through the courts only pay £1 a week :doh1:

It should be 1/3rd of the benefit up to a max of £25.

....and while we are at it, the CSA can take money direct from an employer, well that should be the way it works with court fines, as £Millions go unpaid each year and are never followed up.

....and isn't it about time we had legalised bounty hunters? That'd take some of the workload off the police.

29th October 2011, 13:15
What are you trying to do Keith, make the system more efficient and in the process induce an attack in the bleeding hearts of certain lawyers? :wink:

£1 a week is utterly pathetic and even if you're on the dole you can afford more than that. Fine defaulters need to be treated more severely, given that fines are used as an alternative to a more serious punishment.

What is always forgotten when the softly-softly brigade start wailing about the courts - or more accurately the government, as the courts are now stuffed with lenient judges - being unduly harsh on offenders is what those who commit burglary, assault, etc. put their victims through. These idiots should direct their sympathy towards those in society who deserve it.