View Full Version : Doctors call for car smoking ban

Win2Win Racing
16th November 2011, 08:12
All smoking in cars should be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/health-15744352)

16th November 2011, 10:49
People who smoke in front of kids should be :voodoo: :biggrin:

17th November 2011, 22:10
I don't drive and have never been a smoker so have no vested interests in this one. I agree smoking in front of kids should be a no-no, but this is a step too far for drivers who are smoking when no children are in their motor.

Do the police really have the resources to enforce this kind of law? Such is the devious way police statistics are compiled, hundreds of thousands of serious crimes aren't even recorded let alone solved yet a politician would insist the Old Bill finds the time to catch a driver smoking their own highly-taxed cigarettes in their own highly-taxed cars.

That's the deal you get with MPs - they tax you endlessly to keep them in comfort and produce laws which the majority don't wan't. Bunch of :butthead:

A bloke I know had to retire early after being badly injured at work and to fill his days he volunteered as a driver to shuttle old folk about. An old dear got into his car one day and asked him if he'd mind putting his fag out! She could easily have afforded a taxi but took the free lift, and needless to say the guy declined to extinguish the cig. I don't like nicotine smoke either but I wouldn't cadge a lift and then start telling the driver what he should do in his own car.

18th November 2011, 12:21
I really dont know how you would police this but people who do smoke in a car with children these days want locking up...they are poisoning their kids. Do what you want on yourself but just because they are your kids, you dont have a right to inflict it on them.