View Full Version : NHS long waits crackdown ordered

Win2Win Racing
17th November 2011, 07:45
Ministers order a crackdown on the 250,000 people "languishing unnecessarily" on hospital waiting lists for more than the 18-week target.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/health-15765362)

17th November 2011, 15:10
I'd rather wait for an appointment than have to produce a credit card before a Dr sees you as in the US, and when you get the bill it's for a few $1000 :ooo:ooo:ooo

18th November 2011, 02:02
Doctors in the States clearly take their solemn medical oath with the utmost seriousness. "I promise to treat each patient with the greatest care, using every ounce of my ability and medical knowledge. As long as they cross my palm with a fat roll of bucks".

18th November 2011, 10:39
Prescription medication is the biggest killer in the US as they give people what they ask for :doh1: .... they even advertise all the meds on TV :crazy: ..... I think New Scientist said around 30% of US kids are on pills :doh