View Full Version : BHA unveils radical whip changes

Win2Win Racing
22nd February 2012, 00:47
Sweeping changes to the controversial whip rules are set to come into effect before the Cheltenham Festival.

Rather than it being an automatic breach when a rider uses the whip eight times on the Flat and nine times over jumps, the figures will instead become the trigger point for the stewards to review the ride in question.

In another radical change, repeat offences will not result in the penalty multiplying. Each offence will now be treated on its merits. Repeat offenders will, however, be referred to the disciplinary panel of the BHA.

In his first major challenge since being appointed the British Horseracing Authority's new chief executive, Paul Bittar proposed fresh amendments which were approved at a board meeting on Tuesday.

The board has given the thumbs-up to a fundamental change to the rules which is due to be implemented in early March, as well as revisions to the existing penalty structure which will come into effect on Thursday.

Stewards will consider how a rider has used the whip in the course of exceeding the allowed number of strokes before deciding whether a breach has occurred and a penalty is warranted.

Bittar said: "Over four months have passed since the introduction of the first set of rules following the whip review. It is clear that while many objectives of the review are being met, and in particular those pertaining to horse welfare, a rule which polices the use of the whip based solely on a fixed number of strikes is fundamentally flawed.

"In practice the new rules have repeatedly thrown up examples of no consideration being given to the manner in which the whip is used as well as riders being awarded disproportionate penalties for the offence committed.

"The challenge is to have in place a rule and penalty structure which meets the objectives for fairness and proportionality outlined in the Whip Review while retaining the positives which have been a product of the changes to date.

"These include the virtual removal of all serious breaches and an overall reduction in the number of offences. We are confident there is not a welfare problem associated with the use of the cushioned whip in British racing."


More... (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/BritishHorseracingAuthorityNewsHeadlines/~3/-c3qoOl7LDo/newsItem.asp)

22nd February 2012, 10:09
COMMON SENSE :Helooo:Helooo:Helooo

Seems the new guy in charge has kept to his word, and hopefully this will result in the top jockeys actually being at the Festival, or in order not to have been banned for it ride like a fairy the week before :omg: