View Full Version : Gove 'wants new set of A-levels'

Win2Win Racing
3rd April 2012, 05:27
Education Secretary Michael Gove sends a letter to examinations regulator Ofqual in which he says universities should create a new set of A-levels.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/education-17588292)

7th April 2012, 00:21
This has to happen to restore credibility in British education. Modules and coursework will also have to go as both encourage laziness and don't properly test knowledge of a subject. We've really got to get away from the 'everyone's a winner' mindset in the education system, as all that does is lead to a lowering of standards and worthless exam certificates.

If we're to have any chance of competing with other European countries and emerging economies such as China and India, (neither of whom will be throwing money away on 'degrees' in Outdoor Adventure Management and Popular Music Studies), we're going to have to drive standards upwards and reverse the trend of nodding through exam passes regardless of whether the pupil or student actually understands the subject.