View Full Version : Saturday Aintree 16:15 John Smith's Grand National Chase (Grade 3 Handicap)

13th April 2012, 18:08
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13th April 2012, 20:53
Having the Gold Cup winner, SYNCHRONISED, in here adds a lot of spice. :hubbahubba:, and straight after the Gold Cup I told my other half they'd be stupid not to run in this race. If he wins he'll put a dent in the bookmakers share price :rolleyes:

I never play big in this race and unusual for me I stick to EW bets. I'll be using Bet Victor (http://banners.victor.com/processing/clickthrgh.asp?btag=a_26730b_2085) since he's paying on the first 6 home. :thumbs

BALLABRIGGS, last years winner, will go well again as do most horses who have gone well over these fences before.

I'll be having a small dabble on BLACK APALACHI who is likely to enjoy this trip, and was 2nd in this race 2 years ago.

The last one I'll have an interest in is SUNNYHILLBOY who returned to form at Cheltenham, and will have been primed for this race.

14th April 2012, 01:03
One thing is for sure - while the Racing Post have the same reading on the Going Stick for the Mildmay & National courses - times from the last two days suggest to me that the National course is riding a fair bit faster than the Mildamay & now they're watering?

This is the Oddschecker (whose blogger has the Irish National winner) Verdict:

"The final field of 40 is set for the Grand National, so we'll give our verdict. Synchronised is admirable but carrying 11-12 there are surely a few better off and he's not an each-way price. Carrying a pound lower, it's hard to keep Ballabriggs out of the frame but one or two should be too well treated.

Several other Brits may also have played their hand too soon, such as Junior at Cheltenham last year and West End Rocker in the Becher. Nicky Henderson hasn't won a National but he's had a great year and Shakalakaboomboom could be the best of the home team from a win perspective, along with Giles Cross.

The Irish haven't won since 2007 but 6/4 is big about a victory tomorrow. Inexperience is a worry for On His Own and Organisedconfusion, but Chicago Grey, Becauseicouldntsee and Killyglen look particularly well treated and Seabass and Treacle have connections to fear. Stablemates Black Apalachi and Vic Venturi are overpriced purely because of age.

Verdict: 1. Chicago Grey 2. Becauseicouldntsee
3. Giles Cross 4. Ballabriggs 5. Black Apalachi"

14th April 2012, 12:38
Yes talking of c&d horses State Of Play only comes out for this race pretty much and has placed in the last 3!! 100s on bf but sadly ony 13s for the place. Also having a stab on some bottom weights Hello Bud and In Compliance. There we go, all to fall at the first then :rolleyes:

14th April 2012, 16:10
Cripes! lay the favourite there's a woman on board!! :laughitupsmilie:

14th April 2012, 16:42
fkn unbelievable! Hello Bud was up there all the way going great at the last then just sat on his ****. Then In Compliance looked to making a last minute dash, I had over 300s on him but also stopped like a brick and got 5th. Wish I'd gone to betvictor for 6 places now :doh1: :ermmm

14th April 2012, 16:52
:yikes::yikes::yikes: Sooooooooooooooo close :kissass:

14th April 2012, 17:04
Synchronized put-down :mad::mad::mad: ... along with According to Pete :mad::mad::mad:

14th April 2012, 17:06
Sad news. Why can't they fix horse's legs?

dont worry I googled it

14th April 2012, 17:40
They can fix some, but the horse can die of complications trying.

14th April 2012, 21:03
Cornelius Lysaght:

"There is no doubt this is a black day for the Grand National and for horse racing. Nobody should under-estimate it - this is very serious for everyone in the racing industry. A big dark cloud hangs over the Grand National. Its future is in a certain amount of doubt."

14th April 2012, 21:45
It's future is not in doubt :doh1:

One thing the media have forgotten to mention is that a jockey was seriously injured, and in an earlier race Ruby Walsh would have bee killed if it wasn't for the protection they wear. Last year they made headlines with the 2 deatsh then and forgot to mention one guy was in a coma, and is still in rehabilitaion now with a brain injury :ermmm

Anyway, back to this years, the media keeps missing out the facts. Syncronized got up after the fall and ran off, he injured himself later on all by himself. Yes he may have had a small fracture from the jump, and if we had outriders he may have comeback sound, but he didn't die directly due to the fence.

As for poor According To Pete he was killed by the horse that brought him down, not by the fence, he jumped that sound and landed fine.

15th April 2012, 15:03
Hmm if we could some how teach them to do a judo roll on landing!! Must be hell for old wild horses when they broke a leg, keep trying to run around in agony. Wonder if they used to survive or which?