View Full Version : TV chief defends July Cup Saturday switch

Win2Win Racing
19th July 2012, 11:13
CRITICISM from prominent trainers and jockeys to the decision to stage Newmarket's Darley July Cup meeting at the end of the week has been countered by the broadcasters whose international sales pitch was partly responsible for the move from midweek

More... (http://www.racingpost.com/news/horse-racing/richard-fitzgerald-gbi-racing-bill-nader-hong-kong-jockey-club-tv-chief-defends-july-cup-saturday-switch/1075171/)

19th July 2012, 20:46
We always get this when a race moves to a Saturday, but if we want more people to see the Group 1's then it has to be done. Simple as, and it brings more money into racing.