View Full Version : Spitting in Sport

14th October 2012, 16:03
A lovely subject :rolleyes:

We constantly see footballers spitting during a match, great to see when you're watching a 5 o'clock game and eating your tea :doh1:

Now footballers constantly tell us that they need to do this to clear throats, noses, and whatever other pathetic excuse they use. The real reason is they are just dirty ::swear.

If you watch the tennis players, playing for longer, exterting a lot more energy, when do you ever see them spit? Have you ever seen the No.1 court in the US Open covered in flem?? No :anerikke: So no sporting reason exists as to why footballers do it as they play a lot less than tennis players and don't use as much energy.

15th October 2012, 18:28
I've always wondered that too! Add squash to that too, dont' see phlegm all over the squash court!

15th October 2012, 19:03
I went to the annual Olive Stone Spitting Contest which was held in London this year.

Well, I was disgusted to see that spitting is rife in that sport. :ermmm

15th October 2012, 20:27
Vegy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :spank: :biggrin: