View Full Version : Twitter link on your posts

20th October 2012, 09:56

I tried it this morning ut doesn't seam to be posting links correctly or am i doing something wrong , i click on the twitter link but on my twitter it came out like this

Tony Lowe‏@prenton01

Football bets 2012/13 season - Page 2#post578466 http://www.win2win.co .ukshowthread.php?78554-Football-bets-2012-13-season/page2

Only the win2win.co was showing as a link

20th October 2012, 12:33
Wouldn't let me tweet the Lucky 15 either - said I had too many letters when I quite clearly did not??

20th October 2012, 12:50
I'll have a fiddle under the bonnet later :thumbs ..... It was working before I moved it below the posts so blame Ada for asking me to move them :laugh

20th October 2012, 13:08
....It was working before I moved it below the posts so blame Ada for asking me to move them :laugh

:peeky :yikes:

20th October 2012, 14:11

It may be the length of the link, the script twitter supplies just posts the web address as is, whereas most Twitter folk use a shortening service. I'll see if I can recode it somehow.

20th October 2012, 15:10
Cheers Keith :thumbs:thumbs

20th October 2012, 18:01
Well I've spent a lot of the afternoon trying to sort this out and it seems to be down to Twitter as this site is supplying the correct info


I can't figure out why Twitter is adding =http%3A%2F%2Fwww.win2win.co.ukshowthread.php%3F79434-Twitter-link-on-your-posts at the end as that is what is changing the correct URL into the incorrect one :mad: :doh

20th October 2012, 18:27
Phew!!! Sorted :helper

In the end I had to rewrite the javascript they supplied into an IFRAME, this allowed me to force the correct URL to Twitter :thumbs

You can use it now folks :smile:

20th October 2012, 19:48
I'm glad I don't run a website forum. :biggrin:

My site would be buggered beyond repair if I had to do any sort of maintenance. :ooo

20th October 2012, 19:55
Your forum would be fun :boing .... we could all enjoy the malware infections we get from it, the blue screens of death, and much much more :biggrin: