View Full Version : Church vote rejects women bishops

Win2Win Racing
21st November 2012, 02:12
The Archbishop of Canterbury speaks of his "sadness" after the Church of England's general synod narrowly votes against the appointment of women bishops.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20415689#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa)

Church vote rejects women bishops

21st November 2012, 10:29
Although I couldn't give a hoot about this, it would be the correct decision as it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible they are allowed to do the job.

Of of those who voted yes said: "This decision leaves us in the Dark Ages" ..... well yes .... that is the point of your religion .... you either go by what a 1500-2000 year old book says, which is near enough from the Dark Ages, or you ignore everything in it. It gets on my nerves how religions pick and choose what bits they want to use for their own ends. :doh1: