View Full Version : Can Anyone See The Sense In This?

18th January 2013, 10:37
My wife is from the Philippines, and Labour changed the policy that anyone coming here from outside the EU must speaka da English. The fact that English is pretty much the main language in the Philippines due to its Americanization doesn't matter. So the wife had to take a British backed English test in Manila which as they all do out there, pass it easily. This costs about £100.

Now strangely, this test 'expires' after 2 years, and so when an immigrant applies for ILR (indefinite leave to remain) after 2 years in Britain they have to retake exactly the same test, for a cost of £150 :doh

How the hell can an exam you have passed expire? :crazy:

Will I wake up on the day it expires to discover wifey no speaka da English? :geek

Even my MP hasn't any idea why this happens, and thinks it is stupid, but the UKBA say rules are rules.... no common sense then eh? :doh1:

On top of that the wife put her visa app in March last year for £550, this last 2 years, as of today, she still has not received it!! Getting near 10 months 'processing' now, and this is the norm..... and yet Terresa May said last month all 200,000 students from outside the EU will be interviewed and staffing isn't a problem!!!! :ermmm

Our MP has been trying to sort this out for months now and has had enough and he's now in contact with May and will then put through a parliamentary complaint.

The annoying thing is we'll soon be letting non-speaka da English bulgarians into the country for free!!! :spank:

27th January 2013, 03:37
Feel your pain. Well, not entirely, but mostly vicariously. My housemate applied for UK citizenship after passing the test and ILR costs are £2,300 (she's a US citizen but has been living here for 5 years).

The fact that your wife has to re-sit the test in 2 years is bonkers. Why does that make sense? UKBA sound like their "administrative" team could do with a kick up the backside.