View Full Version : twin towers

29th March 2013, 01:30
not the film :smile: ive got two identical tower units 2.4 ghz, 8 g ram , 500g h/d if i link them together will i be able to utilise the , doubling my performance or doesnt it work like that?

29th March 2013, 15:09
It doesn't work like that :smile: ..... unless you run them as VPS servers, which is not what you want.

3rd April 2013, 03:04
what would it be best to do just take out the ram and h/d from one and put it in the other and just keep the rest as spares?

3rd April 2013, 08:34
You can do that, and then use the second drive for backups, you can get free software that does that automatically. :thumbs