View Full Version : Injured Jockey McNamara

29th March 2013, 15:07
Well after his terrible fall at Cheltenham a couple of weeks back McNamara will soon be moved to Dublin, closer to home. That's probably the only good news though, he is now fully awake but is unable to breath on his own. He seems to have the same injury as Christopher Reeve (Superman) :mad:

30th March 2013, 09:42
It has just been confirmed that JT is paralyzed from the neck down, and is still on a breathing machine. However he is said to be in a good frame of mind despite the seriousness of his injuries and as this is the racing industry he will be well supported for the remainder of his life by family, friends, the injured jockey fund (http://www.injuredjockeys.co.uk/), and the likes of JP McManus who was in tears the day it happened.

What annoys me is that if this had happened to a horse we would have had uproar from the animal rights nutters who have no understanding of the quality of life these horses have compared to wild horses. :ass2

If you could see your way to contributing at least £1 to the injured jockey fund (http://www.injuredjockeys.co.uk/), then you would be helping JT and others injured in the line of duty over the years. :thumbs Remember that a jockey only gets about £135 a ride and risk this kind of injury, and yet footballers roll around after tripping on grass!! :ermmm