View Full Version : Well Done Murray

7th July 2013, 20:33
I guess you're British after all :laugh

That was a great Wimbledon this year though, especially as we didn't have to spend it looking at that William's woman in shorts :rolleyes:

Mind you, the women's final winner looks a bit butch :ass2

8th July 2013, 10:17
About time too!:smile:

First Scotsman to win Wimbledon since Harold Mahony in 1896.:frown:

Well done, Andy.:happyboun

8th July 2013, 11:24
So the Welsh won the rugby, and the Scotsman won the tennis! Was a great weekend, Murray was unreal, how to make yourself a legend in 3 hours. :biggrin:

8th July 2013, 18:03
To beat the World's No.1 in the Wimbledon Tennis Final in three straight sets is just about unbelieveable.
Has it happened before?

8th July 2013, 22:21
Dunno about a straight sets victory over the numero uno having a precedent but it was a moment to savour. I think it may actually have been to Andy Murray's benefit that he won a Grand Slam title outwith his home country first as the pressure to win a major was already off prior to this year's Wimbledon, albeit that he still had the hopes of a waiting nation on his shoulders.

John McEnroe tipped Murray to win on Sunday but I must confess I thought Djokovic might be too tough a hurdle to negotiate. The way Djokovic played on Friday illustrated what a top drawer performer he is. Del Potro threw everything at him in a brutal, brilliant match and the Serb took every blow and walked away the winner.

Did anyone catch McEnroe in the seniors doubles the other night? He and his brother were playing legendary Aussie duo McNamara and McNamee (I remember the latter when his hair was jet black :rolleyes:). John McEnroe is the only player I've seen who takes senior matches as seriously as he did tournaments in his heyday and he had a couple of run-ins with the referee at Wimbledon.

It either shows you the competitive edge hasn't been blunted just because he's now playing with the older guys or it indicates that he still hasn't matured. Gawd knows what his kids think of it - his oldest is 27 years old!

9th July 2013, 08:13
I thin Djokovic played his best grass game on Sunday, he was just out battled by Murray. Both of these players go for every point, and some of the rallies were unbelievable. It was supposed to have been around 100F at one point. :yikes:

You can also see how Murray has improved and matured since he hired Ivan The Smiler :rolleyes:

10th July 2013, 20:36
It was a great victory by Murray in what I thought was an excellent tournament. Game of the tournament had to be the Djokovic v Del Potro game that was possibly the best game I've ever seen. I hope Del Potro can stay fit as he'll add to to the Nadal/Djokovic/Murray trio at the top of the game and who knows maybe there's still a little left in Federer on the big stage.

10th July 2013, 21:14
The US open in about 6 weeks, and Nadal will be much better on the hard surface. I suppose it was a better Wimbledon, as we knew we had someone with an excellent chance for a change. We get so used to celebrating the losers in this country :spank:

19th July 2013, 23:31
Mind you, the women's final winner looks a bit butch :ass2

Oo-er, watch it or you'll have to write a letter of apology. The ludicrous overreaction to John Inverdale's comments, which was stirred up again this week by a mediocre MP (is there any other kind?), shows you the priorities of some people.

Looking forward to the US Open though. Despite the courts there having a different surface to Wimbledon and even if Murray's form dips a bit before September, that win 2 weeks ago will give him a massive confidence boost.

Allowing for the threat posed by Nadal and co., considering Murray is reigning champion at Flushing Meadows, personally he couldn't be in a stronger position going into the tournament.

I had to feel a bit sorry for Del Potro against Djokovic in that semi and it was one of those matches which neither opponent deserved to lose. Poor Del Potro, the little fella reminded me of a glum Ronnie Corbett and I wonder if he wore his platform shoes to give himself a lift. :wink:

20th July 2013, 09:14
John Inverdale's comments were true though, so maybe we should send a complaint about the complainants :biggrin:

They were arguing that the same things are never said about the guys, well hanging around with a gaggle of girls, I can assure you they do it all the time.