View Full Version : What a load of tosh.....

29th July 2013, 13:25
....Co-op wants the lads mags to cover up :crazy:

Will they next be asking women in bikinis on the beach to wear a bin bag? :doh1: .... and to cap it all, the Daily Star has a full page front cover of a woman in a bikini :laugh

So that's computer porn being hidden... now magazines... we're going back to the stone age :ermmm

For years we have been trying to get Arab women to stop covering up, and now people are trying to get women to cover up :voodoo: :doh

29th July 2013, 20:06
The phrase which springs to mind here is that the genie's out of the bottle. You can't suddenly turn round and say "That's enough of that, cover up now ladies".

Banning this kind thing - which is what it amounts to - only makes teenagers more curious and determined to see what's being hidden from them. They'll find a way round it if they want to, just as they have with online porn.

Whereas if it's left the way it is, they'll shrug and say it's nothing they haven't seen before. What those who are campaigning for the lads' mags to cover up have to realise is that the young women who pose for these magazines do so voluntarily - no one's forcing them at gunpoint to pose in a bikini.

That's part of living in a democracy, accepting things you dislike and realising you can't turn the clock back. I'm always wary of those who try and control what people should see, and although they would say it's all about protecting young people (a half-truth I suspect), that's where responsible parenting should step in.

30th July 2013, 08:11
We seem to be going through another one of those phases were minority groups keep getting what they want. :doh1: ..... With regard to online porn, it is simple for parents to block it these days, the software only costs about £20 and is very powerful. However, as with most thing these days, the parents can't be :ass2, and so pass the blame onto someone else :spank: