View Full Version : Cisse 'raring to go' after shirt row

Win2Win Racing
30th July 2013, 15:56
Papiss Cisse says he wants to focus "100% on football" after agreeing to wear the Wonga logo on his Newcastle United shirt.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/23506273)

Cisse 'raring to go' after shirt row

31st July 2013, 08:15
I heard that a newspaper had photos of him playing in a casino :doh1: .... muppet :crazy:

31st July 2013, 21:55
Cisse obviously takes his religious principles very seriously. I mean, it's not as if he's just stuffed his pockets with cash and emerged as a candidate for hypocrite of the year.

What's frightneing is the profits Wonga must be making from those daft enough to take out payday loans at high interest rates. Newcastle charged Wonga £24m to act as club sponsor.

One MP, Stella Creasy, describes payday loan firms as legalised loan sharks and I can't say I disagree. They simply encourage people to live beyond their means and end up in a spiral of debt.

1st August 2013, 10:27
We allow beer to sponsor football, and that causes thousands of deaths a year, we also allow bank sponsorship, and they are the ones that put the country in this mess..... just behind Labour's policies :biggrin:

1st August 2013, 20:17
Booze firms sponsoring sport makes as much sense as tobacco or fast food firms doing the same. Odd how it's socially acceptable to drink 'til you're either barely capable of walking or become aggressive but someone lights a fag up and it's a major drama with the police called - literally - if someone smokes in a pub or cafe, etc.

I've never smoked myself but find the hysterical reaction from some to smoking to be a trifle OTT, particularly when it's big city dwellers with access to decent public transport shuttling their lazy bums short distances in a vehicle which spews out noxious fumes then lecturing others on the dangers of passive smoking. :rolleyes:

Football sold its soul long ago of course and it's why I hardly ever watch a game now despite being like every other kid and loving the sport as a youngster. Mega money is present in others sports such as tennis, golf and motor racing but the top men don't go around beating the crap out of random strangers or sexually assaulting women.

Throwing huge sums of money at young men has an unpleasant side effect in that it often turns them into arrogant tossers (see also investment banking) and it seems to be much more the case when guys work in teams and develop a pack mentality.

Too many footballers think their huge salaries makes them something special and gives them a licence to act as they please when the reality is that they have the mindset of an immature and not very bright teenager. Arrested development I think they call it.

2nd August 2013, 09:33
I think football needs to switch to pay as you play format. That will give them an incentive to get into the team, rather than thinking that they have a right... eh Rooney!! :doh1: ... Then give them bonuses for assists and goals ... more incentive to score then. But then that is a simple idea, it is best to overpay them every week, even if they are banned! :crazy:

I often wonder why we never see a tennis player spitting, and yet they consume a lot of fluid, and play for 5 hours, yet a footballer starts spitting as soon as the whistle blows. :ermmm

2nd August 2013, 20:02
For all their flashy motors and dream houses, many top footballers have all the class of the skankiest drug den. A lot of fans are as brainless though, forgiving players' behaviour they shouldn't and forking out 20 or 30 quid for a testimonial match for a millionaire. As Homer said, things that make you go doh!

3rd August 2013, 04:20
Could you imagine that in the real world? After your 10th year at the same place you set aside a day where people in the industry come and pay to watch you do your days work.