View Full Version : Zero-hours contracts 'affect 1m'

Win2Win Racing
5th August 2013, 06:49
More than a million UK workers are on zero-hours contracts with no guarantees of shifts or work patterns - four times officials estimate, research suggests.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23570345#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa)

Zero-hours contracts 'affect 1m'

5th August 2013, 20:00
They were talking about this on TV tonight. It suits some workers but I'd imagine it suits employers more and a watch must be kept on unscrupulous firms who use it as an excuse for providing minimal rights to their workers.

I was reading some months back of a bloke who'd written a novel which included scenes based on real events in London hotels where an employer was trying to pay hotel domestic staff only when they were physically in the room they were due to clean. Walking between rooms? Sorry, can't pay you as you're not actually working. :crazy:

The BBC also broadcast a report on the
mistreatment of hotel staff in the capital where
the exploitation of migrant workers is rife, although it no doubt goes on in other parts of the country and in other business sectors as well. :mad:

You won't catch many Brits at risk of being exploited cleaning hotels as our homegrown army of lazy swines can't unglue themselves from the couch to test the water in any line of work. :rolleyes: Where's me giro, postie? I've run outta fags and beer and a good programme is startin' in a minute.