View Full Version : Syria 'diplomacy has not worked'

Win2Win Racing
26th August 2013, 11:55
Diplomatic pressure on Syria has failed and the UK is considering its response to a suspected chemical attack, Foreign Secretary William Hague says.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23840065#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa)

Syria 'diplomacy has not worked'

27th August 2013, 08:16
Well it's 100% we'll be bombing the buggers within the week, but I hope we do enough damage to at least level the playing field. It's no use going in and just blowing up a few things, as that will change nothing in the long term. They need to take out all the command and control, fuel and ammo dumps, hardware, air defences and all of his air force .... and that muppet Assad himself :ass1