View Full Version : Does anbody actually make money long term following win2win racing

22nd January 2014, 18:46
Does anbody actually make money long term following Win2Win racing?
I'm not looking to cause offence to keith, i would just like pointing in the right direction. I've read lots of posts going back a number of years, some of the posters who gave good information don't seem to post any more eg mathare. Also most of the systems people were following are not here now. The site has been here for plenty of years now so i thought some people would be able to share any positive information.

23rd January 2014, 11:43
No offence taken. :smile:

You find that most people who make money from gambling seldom admit it. That is why when searching the internet you will find very few 'professionals' putting their head above ground. Their are a number of reasons for this, which include the fact that they just want to remain anonymous, and that many people who say them make money from gambling often get shot down in flames by jealous muppets. :cuck

A number of the paying members go back years, so I'm doing something right. I am always open to criticism, and constantly monitor the information I give out. I can't prevent losing runs, and when laying then can be really annoying, but I make sure that profits develop over the long term. The problem with most punters is that they only look for short term gains, and so spend their lives jumping from one punter to another, while constantly losing money.

As for some of the 'old time' members, people's lives change, they find other things to do, a number have had health issues, and I am sorry to say that some have past on from this world. :mad:

23rd January 2014, 11:55
Hi Keith, thanks for your reply. What happened to alot of the systems people were following a few years ago? are you still using them? such as Jumping for profit, Double top, Vet NH, Info rated, Double class and a few of the others. The site seemed very active with members following a number of systems, now they are not mentioned.

23rd January 2014, 17:04
please dont call me old :laugh yeah you are right in saying keith alot of people come and go. Depends on responsibilities and work commitment with me but i find and website an forum a great use if you use it right.

23rd January 2014, 17:35
please dont call me old :laugh yeah you are right in saying keith alot of people come and go. Depends on responsibilities and work commitment with me but i find and website an forum a great use if you use it right.

Thanks for taking to time to reply, in what way do you mean use the webiste right.