View Full Version : Blatter Runs For Presidency Again....

11th June 2014, 21:36
What a :butthead: Blatter is :ermmm

He's bound to win another term, as he's 'paid off' Africa & Asia which vote for him. Only Europe and a few others vote against him.

Surely the Europeans should have more voters due to the dominance of the footy in the region?

I suppose everyone just has to wait for him to drop dead :doh1: :voodoo:

11th June 2014, 23:06
It is rediculous how corruption continuews to reign supreme in football even when it is in the spotlight...

12th June 2014, 08:49
Well, I suppose that is how it has always been in FIFA, so they just accept it as the norm. The hate the UK press, who always seem to be rocking the boat, although, we call it publishing the truth. :doh1:

I see that the Brazilian authorities have just realised that the handheld noise makers they are giving out for free, can be used as missiles! DUH!!! :crazy:

12th June 2014, 12:59
I have never understood why UEFA just doesn't pull out of FIFA, call their bluff. They need us much more than we need them. Brazil and Argentina would soon leave. It is a totally corrupt organisation and one day a light will be shone on what happened, Blatter will be hoping he is 6 feet under by then and while in charge, he can stop anybody delving deeper can't he.

12th June 2014, 18:36
Well it seem at last Platini has at last grown a set of balls, and has said in public that he no longer supports Stuff Bladder :ooo

He doesn't really like technology in football either, we could do with someone in charge who is younger, and not living in the 1800's.