View Full Version : I Think I've Paid For The Vets Holiday!

25th July 2014, 15:40
I adopted a male guinea pig just over 2 months ago, so that he could chase the two 2yo girls around, as they had got lazy. The first month he was fine, then one morning just over 4 weeks ago he was bloated, and we had to rush to the vets... on a Sunday! Bloating usually kills them in a few hours.

After numerous tests, they could no find anything, but he passed 40 poops at once. :ooo

The bill of £100 made me poop a lot as well :yikes:

Since then, he has been the vet a total of 6 six times, and has bloated about 15. We have got used to the signs, and so treat him quickly. Total bill is now over £200.... for a £25 adopted RSPCA guinea pig :crazy:

The problem has been finding the cause. We took out fruit, veg and grass one by one. Changed his pellets, and hay. Nothing changed the problem he had. Very strange.

So the Wednesday I decided to check the bottom end, as we had done the top and middle. Guinea Pigs have a large sack just inside the anus, this is for storing the soft poops they eat :hubbahubba:. You can get half of your little finger in it. :anerikke: I had a good look in its asshole, and as the piggy is only 1yo, I felt a bit like Rolf Harris :1056158225:

Having given it a clean, I found noting, and so I ended by squirting mineral oil in it.... and out popped a 1mmx1mm wood shaving wit little spikey bits on :cryer. So the little guy has either had that stuck 3cms up his bum for a month, or he's eating the bedding and bits are getting stuck.... which would explain the problem not being food related.

So yesterday we changed the wood shavings for wood pulp, and he's eating the newspaper now. :spank: Hopefully, he'll be OK from now on. I'm rather sick of spending hours syringe feeding the little guy, but I have saved his life a few times. :heartshape1: