View Full Version : Phil Hughes Dies

27th November 2014, 09:28
:frown: Poor Phil. One hell of a freak accident. Seems he actually dropped dead a few seconds after being hit. I thought he was just knocked out.

A couple of weeks ago 3 jockeys died around the world.

It annoys me when footballers roll around on the pitch with a broken hair!! ;fire

McCoy had to be forced by the doctor to take 2 weeks off, as he was riding with injuries from a couple of falls that he wasn't giving time to heal.

27th November 2014, 10:23
I totally agree and no age to go 25

27th November 2014, 10:39
It's the national sport in Aus, so a bit like Rooney being killed in a game of football. .... ... no loss there then :laugh

27th November 2014, 11:33
Wah. I thought he had a brain injury, but that was not the case. The ball crushed and burst the main artery to the brain. So he was dead when he hit the ground. With an injury like that he had no chance of recovery. :ermmm

27th November 2014, 14:18
Throwing a hard ball at near 100mph at someone's head can kill you - who'd have thought.

Terribly tragic though and you have to feel for his family as well as the bowler.