View Full Version : Soccer Tips And Tricks: Everything You Should Know

27th December 2015, 04:21
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/40/SOCCERDOGSEQUEL.jpg (http://test.moovidadb.com/movies/61028)
You probably are interested in soccer now that you're here, and you probably want to know more about it. While soccer is fun, it does take hard work to be able to do those sweet tricks. Everyone can enjoy soccer, and this piece is meant to assist your improvement.You need to stay alert even after you have passed the ball. You can follow the person you passed it to and try finding a position where you will be able to help out. Good players pass the ball again if needing help.It is best to pass the ball as soon as a defender closes in on you. Retain the ball until the defense if breathing down your neck, then pass it an unprotected player. The new player then has a head start against their own defenders.Learn how to perform the Outside Elastico. Use this move to cut inside from the flanks. If you'd like to start practicing, get a cone, shoe, or something and put it onto the ground. Your starting position should be about five paces behind the marker. Begin dribbling towards it. Whenever you get close to the cone, do an outside touch and then quickly do an inside touch. Making outside touches tricks your opponents, allowing you to get by them. The second touch should be harder than the first.Practice whenever you get an opportunity. Start bringing a soccer ball everywhere so that you can practice your drills during spare moments. It's also fun to dribble the ball with your feet during normal walking.Soccer is a sport for teams, and should involve everyone on the field. Never forget that there are other people on the field. If you are not working together with your teammates, you're much more likely to lose the game. It is important to play on behalf of team, not for yourself. If you focus more on teamwork rather than personal glory, your chances for success increase.It is tough to control a lofted ball. Low passes should be made and you should whip the ball if you need to pass to other people when defenders get near. Lofted balls will work for long distances.If you're controlling the ball and see an opponent approach, fake like you're passing the ball to another player. This will make them pause for a moment and you'll have extra time to figure out what should be done next. This tactic works even better if you exaggerate your movements.You must communicate with your teammates when playing soccer. Speaking with teammates on the field during the games can help you work better together as a unit. Even players on professional soccer teams rely heavily on communicating with other members of the team to win games.To be in good soccer shape you should run at least three miles every day. Soccer requires lots of running so it's important to be in excellent shape. If you run three miles on a daily basis, your stamina and endurance will significantly increase. Try running different routes to avoid boredom while running.Learn things from your own errors. Do you notice that every time you dribble the ball down the field it gets taken away? Compare your technique to other players who are more successful dribblers. If effective dribbling is a problem for you, ask the coach or a more talented teammate for advice.Use all the advice you found here to excel at soccer. Even though you may think you've learned a lot, there is always another aspect of the game that can be learned. The more you practice, the better you'll become and eventually you'll find that you are an excellent player. http://sports-media-society.com/soccer-tips-and-tricks-everything-you-should-know/ |