View Full Version : kernel32.dll

17th July 2003, 15:57

wondering if any one can help with this problem i have on my computer at work.
i use a kitchen design programme and every few hours it freezes and the following error occurs:

winner has caused an error in kernek32.dll

can anyone tell me what causes this problem and more importantly how i could fix it????

17th July 2003, 21:13

wondering if any one can help with this problem i have on my computer at work.
i use a kitchen design programme and every few hours it freezes and the following error occurs:

winner has caused an error in kernek32.dll

can anyone tell me what causes this problem and more importantly how i could fix it????

Enter the URL for the MS support http://support.microsoft.com

Then type kernel32.dll in the search box, I suspect that what you really meant to type is "windows caused etc in kernal32.dll" (not kernak32.dll), one solution is remove the program then reload it, it might have been corrupted at some time.

Forgot to add that it could be any number of things that effect the way this program works, could be something runnning alongside that makes it freeze, close all other progs running to see if this helps first.


17th July 2003, 21:14

wondering if any one can help with this problem i have on my computer at work.
i use a kitchen design programme and every few hours it freezes and the following error occurs:

winner has caused an error in kernek32.dll

can anyone tell me what causes this problem and more importantly how i could fix it????

Double check my advice please, but if you are running Windows 98 the only proper cure is to re-install windows. Also do you mean Kernal 32.dll....
It's how I cured my problems with Windows 98.


17th July 2003, 21:47
The Kernal is one of the main translation files between software/hardware. This can get corrupted and re-installation may be needed, but you should make sure all the Windows fixes are up-to-date first, and all the hardware drivers before doing anything.