View Full Version : any ideas?

24th July 2003, 18:55
i want to transfer my lp collection to cd through my pc, do i need some sort of software or just leads that go from my turn table to my pc, upload the music then download onto disc.
thanks form your input

24th July 2003, 20:00
Sound Forge 6 is as good as anything.....


24th July 2003, 23:12
i once did this, by connecting my hi-fi to my computer. to do this i used the headphone socket on the hi-fi to run a wire (not sure what type) to my sound card, this let me record what was playing on my hi-fi, on my computer. the problem with this however was there was no 'tracks' only one long music file, it was quite easy to do (although very time consuming). and i think i did it with window's software.

if you are willing to spend a bit more time on it than i did, you could probably get some decent results, for not muck ££ the wire i used, would probably only cost a couple of ££ from a shop like tandy or mapplins. and you could probably download some decent software to do this sort of thing.

25th July 2003, 00:06
I have managed to record some of my old LP`s using
"Sound Blaster Live" which is part of
"Creative Play Center" which was included on the PC whe I got it.
My son also tells me he can use "Ahead Nero" but I have not tried that.

Then all you need is a pair of stereo leads from your hi-fi/amp or turntable to your pc.
( I got mine from Maplins - ready made - about 10 metres long so they reach from one room to another )