DRAW 11 RESULT: 02 05 07 20 31 TB 10 (Vegy & Sparky)

<table border=1><tr><td align=center>THUNDER<br>BALL</td><td align=center>OWNER</td></tr><tr><td align=center>1</td><td align=center>Mathare</td></tr><tr><td align=center>2</td><td align=center>Vegyjones</td></tr><tr><td align=center>3</td><td align=center>Bigcumba</td></tr><tr><td align=center>4</td><td align=center>Scaaty</td></tr><tr><td align=center>5</td><td align=center>Mathare</td></tr><tr><td align=center>6</td><td align=center>Frontrunner</td></tr><tr><td align=center>7</td><td align=center>Markwales</td></tr><tr><td align=center>8</td><td align=center>wb</td></tr><tr><td align=center>9</td><td align=center>Iron Chris</td></tr><tr><td align=center>10</td><td align=center>Sparkyminer</td></tr><tr><td align=center>11</td><td align=center>Markwales</td></tr><tr><td align=center>12</td><td align=center>Iron Chris</td></tr><tr><td align=center>13</td><td align=center>Bigcumba</td></tr><tr><td align=center>14</td><td align=center>Vegyjones</td></tr></table>


Draw 1: 42E19733 - 3 correct characters OF WHICH 1 is in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 2: 9A560031 - 3 correct characters OF WHICH 1 is in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 3: 8B251835 - 3 correct characters OF WHICH 1 is in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 4: 7C504932 - 4 correct characters OF WHICH 2 are in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 5: D7414831 - 3 correct characters OF WHICH 0 are in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 6: 357D2266 - 6 correct characters OF WHICH 1 is in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 7: 26726D53 - 6 correct characters OF WHICH 1 is in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 8: 7D286352 - 7 correct characters OF WHICH 0 are in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 9: xxxxxxxx - Void due to invalid combination format.
Draw 10: 87D28653 - 6 correct characters OF WHICH 2 are in the correct position of the combination sequence.
Draw 11: 8252D976 - 8 correct characters OF WHICH 8 are in the correct position of the combination sequence. Winning combination: Sparkyminer & Vegyjones.

Applying RULES to determine provisional prize money for Draw 11
(See Game Rules thread for full explanation)

Draw 9 result Sat 7th April: 02 03 05 08 23 TB 7
Draw 10 result Wed 11th April: 01 03 06 18 21 TB 10

RULE 2: odd/even +&#163;1
Draw 5: &#163;5 deduction from TBall/Deal/NoDeal Box containing &#163;75.
Draw 6: Another &#163;5 deduction from TBall/Deal/NoDeal Box containing &#163;75 AND &#163;5 deduction from TBall/Deal/NoDeal Box containing &#163;50
Draw 9: Another &#163;5 deduction from the TBall/Deal/No Deal Box containing the &#163;75 prize amount (now currently holding &#163;60)
AND another &#163;5 deduction from the TBall/Deal/No Deal Box containing the &#163;50 prize amount (now currently holding &#163;40)
AND &#163;5 deduction from the TBall/Deal/No Deal Box containing the &#163;30 prize amount (now currently holding &#163;25)

Draw 10 provisional prize money:&#163;10
Adding RULE 2: +&#163;1

Provisional prize amount being played for in DRAW 11: &#163;11

The 8 character combination has now been set.

The combination is made up of SEVEN digits - 1 through to 0, and ONE letter - A, B, C, D or E.
DIGITS in the combination can occur more than once in the combination sequence.
The LETTER can appear in ANY position in the combination sequence.

The person whose Thunderball is drawn on Saturday evening must post their 8 character choice of combination on this thread by NO LATER than midnight Tuesday 17th April.

If the chosen combination fails to open the Safe, then the drawn Thunderball becomes available for new ownership.

The new owner will be determined by the first person correctly answering a question that I will post on the DEAL/NO DEAL TBALL QUESTIONS thread at some time AFTER Draw 11 but BEFORE midnight Tuesday.

Saturday's drawn Thunderball will determine whether the Safe's contents go up or down for Wednesday's Draw 12.
See 'Game RULES' thread for details.

Good Luck to you all
