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Thread: The Vegy and Merlin bestseller!

  1. #61

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    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  2. #62

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    Nice one Veg - makes it difficult now ?, You SOB

  3. #63

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    “You have proved my theory” He said as the sound suddenly came on! “I was always under the impression that English men were stupid, and it looks as though you have proved me correct! My name is Plater! Soon you will see everything from Plater’s Perspective! I’m afraid that on this occasion I am the bearer of bad news… If you look up you will see that the room is air conditioned and has several vents!”

    We looked up and so be it, there was plenty of ventilation in the room.
    Suddenly a thought sprang to mind… a dreadful thought!

    “In several seconds, these vents will start to fill your room with an intoxicating gas!”

    And to his word, the vents began to make a noise… there was no way out!…

    It was with terror that I applied logic – understandably I suppose, there was presumably toxic-gas being released above our heads which would surely send John and me to another realm of consciousness.

    Despite not feeling any toxic effect at that moment, it was surely only a matter of time, I was aware though of a profuse sweat – glands working overtime – erratic heartbeat, overwhelmed almost – with abject terror.

    ¨Welcome to Platers Perspective¨ boomed out from the plasma screen – Plater appeared,

    ¨OK you guys¨ he said, through teeth that were clenching a rather large Havana.

    ¨You relinquish your quest, you retire from your objectives Mr. Clinton – or die – simple really.

    ¨The choice which you face is not entirely mine – but is due to a pleading of mercy from one of your old friends¨ he said dryly.

    At that moment I was absolutely gob smacked!

    Sitting beside Plater as large as life itself was Dickie Deadeye !!!

    ¨Sam¨ he said in a uniquely Churchillian tone.

    ¨You must retreat from this madness – there is nothing you can do –

    to try and alter Delcies fate is futility – you MUST put a stop to this NOW – let go of Delcie¨

    Never, Never, Never, I replied obstinately and furiously….

    ¨I saw you lying dead in the armchair in your drawing room – I grieved for you, attended your memorial service, why, why, and what for !!! ?

    ¨Sam, there have been many people before me, and no doubt there will be many people after me who will fake their own death – what else can a chap do when he is in a tight spot ?¨

    He said these words appealing to my well known reason, logical way of doing things – but Delcie was the catalytic change to my normally predictive behavior…

    ¨Go to hell Dickie, you son of a bitch¨ I said forcefully and vehemently….

    ¨For old times sake Sam – this is a chance for you to get out of this mess you find yourself in – I have a safe passage arranged for you to return to Blazing Hills this evening – the choice is yours – ¨

    ¨ But the way that I see it is no better than Hobson’s….¨said Plater teasingly.

    But what about Delcie, John, BigC, Samantha and Taff¨ I said hopefully, albeit unrealistically…

    ¨Sam, this is not a negotiating process – accept or die….¨said Dickie solemnly.

    ¨You have one hour to decide your own fate Sam – I hour tops….¨

    The transmission stopped, the door opened and in burst two men, one of them, a tall, tanned, South American , with a well manicured beard and moustache, sporting a Panama style hat and wearing an immaculately cut white Italian suit. He picked up John and threw him effortlessly against the far wall – John let out a huge agonized groan, as he seemed to slide down the wall obeying the laws of gravity perfectly.

    Both men picked him up and carried him outside – the door closed tight behind them.

    I reconciled myself to defeat as I slid into a sitting position with my back against the door, I buried my head in my hands, in despair and confusion. I tried to focus on what was happening, what to do, but I just couldn’t think straight, Blazing Hills was light years away, my former existence was light years away from this – my reality.

    I started to consider my options – I quickly realized there wasn’t many of them – as Dickie had said, ¨accept or die¨

    If I accepted their offer of a passage back to Blazing Hills, could I trust a former friend who faked his own death? Should I sell out on the promise that I made to Lord Strickland – should I forego my love?

    Should I forego my love? – Can I just walk away? As I always had done during difficult situations in my life I thought of my Uncle Max. I gained strength and confidence through him – wisdom. Courage and humility were his trademarks, he had once told me

    ¨whatever you do in your life Sam, whatever action you take, whatever decision you make, always have a plan – a vision of how you want it to end – never, ever he had said trust to luck…¨

    In that moment, I had a plan, a vision of how I wanted this to end – I was going to return to Blazing Hills – my return wouldn’t signal the end though, on the contrary, it would be just the beginning……..


    OK Vegster......lets go......we are about halfway now

  4. #64

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    we are still on page 1 aren't we? :D

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  5. #65

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    Depending on how it is edited and printed out probably page 34


  6. #66

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    Only a couple of thousand pages then before Shakespeare will be quaking in his grave :)

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
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  7. #67

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    If you put it in text size 48,
    I think we will have enough pages to release a book! :D

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  8. #68

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    :D nice one


  9. #69

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    Mr Clinton is racing today!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  10. #70

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    Johnny Ebenezer won the other day.....

    Theres another system in this book somewhere Veg - you on strike ?

  11. #71

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    Mr Clinton can't get back to fighting Giunchiglio until he's finished his business at the racing today! :D

    Got some spare time today! Next installment will be there later! aS WILL THE 2,000TH VIEW!

    Sorry pressed caps lock by accident and couldn't be bothered to delete.
    Even though typing this explanation out probably took longer!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  12. #72

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    In that moment, I had a plan, a vision of how I wanted this to end – I was going to return to Blazing Hills – my return wouldn’t signal the end though, on the contrary, it would be just the beginning……..

    Episode 34

    … I decided that it was no use being a martyr. Returning home was my only chance of finding and saving Delcie! I reluctantly said that I would accept Dickie’s offer, but only on the understanding that he spared my friends! Dickie was an old friend… I trusted him with his word, I still didn’t feel, despite the last few hours' revelations, that he would deliberately let me down!

    The door opened and a troup of guards walked in! A ridiculously large amount considering how weakened, through lack of rest and hunger, I was. I didn’t have the energy to resist. The took me by the arms and led me away down the corridor! I felt defeated and demoralised. The feeling of defeat must have brought with it an overwhelming feeling of tiredness! I wanted to sleep…

    I was led to another room, very similar to the one that I had been in with John! The door closed behind me and the two guards that had led me in forcibly sat me in the sole chair in the room! There was another door in the adjacent wall! I expected it to open but it didn’t. The guards sat me in the chair and stepped back in front of the door we had entered by!

    The a television lowered from the ceiling much the same as before! I don’t ever remember feeling as weak and useless as I did right now! I felt like coming to tears, not bearing to imagine what images I would be inflicted to this time!

    Then the door behind me opened. I spun around in my chair, and a shadow was standing n the doorway surrounded by light from outside. The door shut and the image became clear. It was Dickie. If I had the energy, I would have made an effort to punch him, but I didn’t. I just sat put my elbows on the table and rested my face in the palms of my hands!

    Dickie walked right up to me and I felt him place his hand on my shoulder. He squeezed tight.

    “Sam” he said in a quiet voice. “I’m so very sorry Sam!”

    My head began to pound. It was a lie. He hadn’t spared me… this was going to be my life’s final moments.

    “Dickie” I said pleadingly. “You can’t Dickie!”

    “Sam, I’m just a pawn in all this! I have tried to help you and your friends but Plater is the brains behind all this. I can’t go up against him Sam… I wouldn’t see tomorrow! I’m so very sorry Sam!”

    Tears began to fill my eyes! I just sat back into the chair. I began to come to terms with my own mortality and hoped that the end would be quick and painless.

    “How…” I cleared my throat.
    “How are you gong to do it… can I see Delcie before I…”

    “You don’t understand” Dickie interrupted. “You’re going back to Blazing Hills”

    Dickie looked behind me

    I turned round… there on the screen was John. Tied up. I didn’t understand. The screen panned out. John’s figure began to get smaller. As the picture got bigger, suddenly several guards came into view. They were facing John, with… guns!

    I turned to face Dickie…

    “You can’t” I shouted…

    Then the most horrifying sound… bullets firing! Many bullets.

    “Nooo!” I screamed.

    I turned to look!

    There was John, lying on the floor… blood pouring from his bullet ridden body!

    I just dropped to the floor and wept uncontrollably…


    RIP John Hicks... sorry!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  13. #73

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    nice one Veg.....another one bites the dust....

  14. #74

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    276 this rate I won't have any Mods left

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
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  15. #75

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    You can always call on The WM

  16. #76

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    What with the racing sim, and shooting all the mods,

    I'm desperate to get some sort of moderators position here somewhere!

    Me and the Webmaster... the new Thelma and Louise!

    Now where did I put my chess board!

    Sorry John, had to spice it up a bit! Don'r ban me!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  17. #77

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    Quote Originally Posted by vegyjones

    Me and the Webmaster... the new Thelma and Louise!
    Now that was funny! :D

    My keyboard's running out of ink....

  18. #78

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    Please take a look at:
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  19. #79

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    Sorry to see your untimely demise John - mowed down in the spring of your existence....

    There maybe a secomd coming

    Vegy - DICKIE DEADEYE is out in the 2.30 at Salisbury Wednesday - I actually fancy it - its 10/1

  20. #80

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    Oh no - it's another Dallas style dream sequence.... so it was actually Dickie Deadeye that shot JR :D

    My keyboard's running out of ink....

  21. #81

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    Is John in the shower?????


  22. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by samantha1303
    Is John in the shower?????
    Steady on Sam.... :D

    My keyboard's running out of ink....

  23. #83

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    When Big C is in the shower his feet never get wet :)

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  24. #84

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    Well I was about an hour ago, does that count?

    Please take a look at:
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  25. #85

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    It took an incredible resolve for me to regain composure from the sheer insanity of what I had just seen – I had a fleeting reminder of the mounting death toll…I very quickly calculated 8 – of which 3 burdened my soul. A momentary darkness overcame me, and I wondered if I would ever be released from my own guilt;

    I hadn’t realized until now that I had become pragmatic in my deeds, I attempted to justify my pragmatism as a means to an end, and desperately hoped that it would turn out the way I hoped it would…

    Dickie walked towards me, looking weary and laden, he was talking to me with his eyes, but I failed to comprehend their communication. He handed me a cigarette, which I gratefully received…

    ¨Sam, you will be taken to an airfield and flown by Lear to Blazing Hills, I have arranged for your personal effects to be collected from Taffs, you leave in 10 minutes¨
    He said resignedly…

    I looked carefully at Dickies face, under the calm exterior he allowed me to see a buried, but certain glimmer of hope, which was foggied by a deep-seated sadness.

    Plater walked confidently and enigmatically into the room.

    ¨Samuel Clinton¨ he announced, only my mother had ever called me Samuel , it felt strangely weird sounding coming from a gun-toting, cheroot- smoking , small, fat and very rounded man. He had the air of a Sicilian overlord – ice-cream seller who had progressed to Head of Operations.

    ¨Samuel Clinton¨ he repeated boldly.

    ¨Dickie is like family to me, he wanted you spared and I have agreed, but you listen to me now – you mention one word about what you have seen or what you know – and I will cut off your balls, with that he walked out of the room humming Shuberts Marchie Militaire.

    ¨Lets go Sam ¨said Dickie ¨you have a plane to catch.

    I followed him through a maze of corridors, which eventually opened into a brightly lit reception area, it was deserted save for two rather well groomed poodles, to the amusement of Dickie they proceeded to sniff and claw at my trouser leg, I made a dismissive gesture which they freely ignored.

    ¨Sair, sair¨said Dickie in a somewhat commanding tone – and they duly ran off.

    ¨Sam, there is a car waiting¨

    I glanced outside to see a Mercedes - engine running and male driver who was looking our way.

    ¨Dickie¨ I started, aware of a huge lump in my throat.

    ¨Delcie, I must see Delcie¨

    Sorry Sam¨ he said regretfully.

    ¨That is just not possible, you must forget her – forget me, for neither of us can ever return to Blazing Hills, it is doubtful whether we will see the year out – I am resigned to that, but in any event I could never return to Blazing Hills.¨

    ¨Just go home Sam and erase all of this from your memory, you must move on – OK.

    I looked at him, his eyes were silent, but I could see that his soul was singing, the orchestra was internal, and he refused me access.¨ I plan to return, I will be re-united with Delcie¨

    He viewed me passionately but vaguely, handed me a sealed envelope, said goodbye with a definite tear in his eye, and walked away….

    I got into the back of the car and the driver edged the car effortlessly down the long driveway, through the triple electronically controlled cast iron gates and into the open road.

    Within 10 minutes we were at the airfield, the Mercedes pulled up along side the Lear, which had PELZER INERNATIONAL emblazoned in black and gold across the fuselage. I walked up the few steps and entered the cabin, a uniformed man showed me to a red leather backed seat – and handcuffed my left hand to the arm rest.

    I reached for my inside pocket and retrieved the letter which Dickie had given to me – I opened it….

    My Dearest Sam – My Love,

    My heart yearns for your presence, your closeness, your intimacy.

    My soul is a desert, an infertile plain – a barren wasteland fills me, my lips long for yours – my body and soul craves our union.

    My cup runneth over with hope my dearest Sam, with eternal unrelenting love.

    My love, you must not consider returning here, but I ask of you one thing , and that is to look after Dickies son, William, I want you to look upon him as your own, for he is my son too.

    Many years ago my love, I had a foolish tryst with Dickie, but William must not pay for my foolishness, and neither must you.

    Do not doubt that we will be reunited someday, it is our destiny, it is as certain as tomorrow’s sunrise my love – but you must continue your life without me…

    Our reunion is assured – but not on this earth.

    I have provided for you and William, and remember I will always love you – forever….



  26. #86

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    very good merl,

    Where do i go from here... the world is my oyster! :D
    Perhaps he goes to watch Leyton orient!
    Perhaps they are European champions!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  27. #87

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    Quote Originally Posted by vegyjones
    Perhaps they are European champions!
    at Subbuteo maybe.... :D

    My keyboard's running out of ink....

  28. #88

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    Ain't it your job to keep this thread tidy BigC???

    Coz you ain't doing a good job of it!!

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  29. #89

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    Any more of that and I'll tidy you out the door....

    My keyboard's running out of ink....

  30. #90

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    Don't throw him out yet BigC, I want to see if I can grow a bit taller and lose some weight :D

    Great stuff Merl / Vegy

    The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost.
    Got to update this when I have time please be patient ,thank you ,Open Forum...Total Lays......?Total Backs....?Hidden Forum Total Backs....?Total Lays......?

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