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Thread: Sound alerts in excel?

  1. #1
    wb's Avatar
    wb is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Sound alerts in excel?

    Hi all Haven't been around these parts in a while - hope you all are well

    Mat will be proud of me as I've progressed a little in excel since the last time I used to come on here bugging him with questions!

    Anyhow, I'm just wondering if sound alerts can be added to excel, perhaps under conditional formatting?

    I have a spreadsheet for trading which tracks the live Betfair prices through Betting Assistant. The basis of the strategy is that if the price moves by a certain %, it becomes a back or a lay. At the moment, I have the boxes changing to blue or pink when the price moves a certain distance, and this colour change indicates that the horse should be backed or layed for trading purposes:

    I done this using conditional formatting and it's working well at alerting me when there is a price move. However, it would be handy if I could get sound alerts as that would free me up to do other things instead of staring at the screen, waiting on the colour to change.

    Tada gan iarracht

  2. #2

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    Put at the very start of the code
    Private Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" _
    Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName _
    As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
    Then when you want to use sound
    PHP Code:
    Call sndPlaySound32("C:\Program Files\Optic Limited\Bet Angel - Professional\sounds\sound109.wav"1
    Replacing the directory & WAV name with whatever you use.

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  3. #3

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    How are the horses going?

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  4. #4
    wb's Avatar
    wb is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Will try that - thanks Keith - horses going good, not doing as much punting these days, mainly trading now.

    Tada gan iarracht

  5. #5
    wb's Avatar
    wb is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Hi all, hope you are well.

    Another excel one...

    Trying to work out longest sequences of winners and losers.

    I have a column which simply says 'Won' or 'Lost' depending on whether the bet was a winner or loser.

    Is there any way for Excel to count longest winning sequences and longest losing sequences? i.e. I need it to figure out what was my biggest number of winners in a row was, likewise, losers. Obviously, I need it to update itself as I add to the column.


    Tada gan iarracht

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